pose verb uk/pəʊz/ us pose a danger/problem/threat, etcto cause a problem
представлять собой опасность/проблему/угрозу и т. д.
A lot of these chemicals pose very real threats to our health. pose verb
(ATTRACT ATTENTION)to try to make people notice and admire you, especially by looking fashionable
рисоваться, красоваться
Pascal was posing in his new sunglasses.
pose a question formal
to ask a question
задавать вопрос
Фразовые глаголы pose as sb
POSE noun
uk/pəʊz/ us pose noun(PRETENDING)
a way of pretending to be more clever or interesting than you really are
поза, притворство
She's not really interested in art, it's just a pose .