
like conjunction
 informal uk/laɪk/ us like conjunction

B1 as if

как будто, словно
He acted like he didn't hear me.

LIKE noun

uk/laɪk/ us
[ no plural ] formal someone or something that is similar to someone or something else

что-либо подобное, похожее
Economists are predicting a depression, the like of which the world has never seen. and the like informal
and similar things

и тому подобное
There's a gym that they use for dance and aerobics and the like . sb's like s and dis like s
B1 the things that someone like s and does not like

чьи-либо вкусы, пристрастия и предубеждения
- like suffix uk/-laɪk/ us
changes a noun into an adjective meaning 'typical of or similar to'

образует прилагательные со значением 'подобный чему-л., напоминающий что-л.'
child like trust a cabbage- like vegetable
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