
LAST noun

, pronoun uk/lɑːst/ us  the last
B2 a person or thing that comes after all the others

последний, последнее
[ + to do sth ] We were the last to get there. the last of sth
the only part of something that remains

We've just finished the last of the wine.
 the day/week/year before last
B2 the day, week, or year before the one that has just finished

позавчера/позапрошлая неделя/позапрошлый год
 at (long) last
B1 finally

наконец, в конце концов
At last , I've found a pair of jeans that actually fit. the last I heard
used before saying a piece of information about someone that you previously heard

последнее, что я слышал
The last I heard, they were selling their house.
last verb [ I,T ] uk/lɑːst/ us last verb [I, T]

to be enough for a period of time

хватать, быть достаточным
I've only got £30 to last me till the end of the month. We've got enough food to last another week.
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