fit adjective uk/fɪt/ us fit ter | fit test fit adjective(HEALTH)
A2 healthy, especially because you exercise regularly
здоровый, бодрый
He's very fit for his age. Противоположностьun fit do sth as you see/think fit
to do something that you feel is the right thing to do, although other people might disapprove
поступать так, как человек считает нужным
You must spend the money as you see fit .
FIT noun
uk/fɪt/ us a good/loose/tight, etc fitused to say how something fit s someone or somewhere
хорошо/свободно сидеть/плотно обтягивать и т. д.
These shoes are a perfect fit .
fit noun
a short period of illness when someone cannot control their movements and becomes unconscious
приступ, припадок
to have an epileptic fit have a fit informal
to become extremely angry
приходить в ярость
Mum had a fit when she saw the mess we'd made.