
short adverb uk/ʃɔːt/ us   short of doing sth
without doing something

He did everything he could to get the money, short of robbing a bank. stop short of sth/doing sth
to almost do something but decide not to do it

чуть не сделать что-либо
She stopped short of accusing him of lying.
 fall short of sth
to not reach a particular level, but only by a small amount

не дотянуть, не достигнуть
Sales for the first half of this year fell just short of the target. cut sth short
to have to stop doing something before it is finished

преждевременно прерывать что-либо
She had to cut her speech short when the fire alarm went off.

SHORT noun

uk/ʃɔːt/ us  in short
in a few words

короче говоря
In short , we need more staff.
short noun
(DRINK)a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink like whisky

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