
sound verb uk/saʊnd/ us   sound good/interesting/strange, etc
A2 to seem good/interesting/strange, etc, from what you have heard or read

звучать хорошо/интересно/странно и т. д.
Your job sound s really interesting.
  sound like/as if/as though
B1 to seem like something, from what you have heard or read

звучать как что-либо, производить какое-либо впечатление
That sound s like a really good idea. I don't want to sound as if I'm trying to create extra problems.  sound angry/happy/rude, etc
B2 to seem angry/happy/rude, etc when you speak

казаться сердитым/радостным/грубым и т. д.
You don't sound too sure about it.
[ I,T ] to make a noise

звучать, производить звук
It looks and sound s like a real bird. If the alarm sound s, you must leave the building immediately.
sound adjective uk/saʊnd/ us
good or safe and able to be trusted

здравый, исправный
sound advice/judgment The building is quite old, but still structurally sound . Противоположностьun sound
sound adverb uk/saʊnd/ us   sound asleep
in a deep sleep

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