
kick verb uk/kɪk/ us kick verb

to move your feet and legs forwards or backwards quickly and with force

лягаться, брыкаться
I kick ed at them and screamed for help.  kick yourself informal
to be very annoyed with yourself for doing something stupid or wrong

рвать на себе волосы
I could have kick ed myself for saying that. Смотрите такжеbe alive and kick ing/well
Фразовые глаголыbe kick ing about/around kick in kick off kick (sth) off kick sb out

KICK noun

[ C ] uk/kɪk/ us kick noun [C]
(FEELING)a special feeling of excitement and energy

удовольствие, наслаждение
She gets a kick out of performing live. Смотрите такжеfree kick Идиомыa kick in the teeth
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