
dare verb uk/deər/ us   dare (to) do sth
B2 to be brave enough to do something

сметь, отваживаться
I didn't dare tell Dad that I'd scratched his car.  dare sb to do sth
to try to make someone do something dangerous

провоцировать кого-либо на что-либо, заставить рискнуть
She dare d her friend to climb onto the roof. Don't you dare informal
used to tell someone angrily not to do something

не смей!
Don't you dare hit your sister!
 How dare she/you, etc
used to express anger about something someone has done

как она/ты смеет/смеешь!
How dare you talk to me like that! I dare say (also I dare say)
used when you think that something is probably true or will probably happen

я полагаю/думаю …
I dare say she'll change her mind.

DARE noun

[ C ] uk/deər/ us
something that you do to prove that you are not afraid

[ usually singular ] She climbed down the cliff for a dare .
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