

uk/breθ/ us breath noun

B2 the act of breath ing air into or out of your lungs

вдох, выдох
She took a deep breath before she started. be out of breath
B2 to be breath ing quickly because you have been running, walking fast, etc


 catch your breath ; get your breath back
to rest for a short time until you can breath e regularly again

отдышаться, перевести дыхание
 under your breath
If you say something under your breath , you say it very quietly so that other people cannot hear it.

еле слышно
 hold your breath
B2 to keep air in your lungs and not let it out

задерживать дыхание
How long can you hold your breath under water?
 don't hold your breath humorous
something that you say in order to tell someone that an event is not likely to happen

что вряд ли! не надейся!
He said he'd phone, but don't hold your breath . Идиомыa breath of fresh airtake your breath awaywith bated breath
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